How To Continue Learning How To Be Safe On A Motorcycle After MSF Course?

48-cylinder motorcycle
48-cylinder motorcycle” by twm1340 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

After the MSF course you may feel that it hasn’t entirely helped you and you still have plenty of questions left unanswered. Personally I went through the same problem but fortunately there are plenty of youtubers that react to close calls or crashes and break them down to show you how you should or could handle the situation.

As of recent I started watching a youtuber named “Dan Dan the fireman.” I find him extremely useful because he does an incredible job breaking down crashes and what the person could have done to prevent them. He focuses on not humiliating the person that messed up but rather really taking the time for his audience to understand that mistakes do happen. He talks about stages like “brown” stage, “orange” stage etc. and when and where you should be in those stages. For example orange stage means to try and analyze where a crash could occur and be very observant of it and a time you should be in orange stage is at night.

There’s plenty of other youtubers that break down crashes but you don’t solely have to learn off other youtubers you could also do your own research on the web. The next best thing you can do to learn to be safer while riding is actually riding. When your on the road you’ll be able to learn what to look out for and along with some DANDANTHEFIREMAN you’ll be just fine.

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