Why Having An Audio System In Your Helmet Is Useful.

A girl in a motorcycle helmet and mirrored glasses, which reflects the photographer AD4A3237bs
A girl in a motorcycle helmet and mirrored glasses, which reflects the photographer AD4A3237bs” by Phuketian.S is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

A strong argument to be made against having an audio system in your helmet for example like a Cardo system is that it is distracting to the rider if they are listening to music. That is a strong argument and is true and some cases but I believe the benefits outweigh the cons drastically.

When riding in a group having good communication with one another is key. Throughout the years people have come up with plenty of hand signals to try and convey what they are trying to say.


As you can see many of these signals look incredibly similar and would also be incredibly easy to get mixed up. That’s why audio systems are so important. Rather then hoping the other rider understands what your saying you can directly talk to them and say exactly what your thinking.

Personally I’ve had experiences where I’m warned ahead of time about hazards in the road, cars, police, and even deer jumping out into the road. That’s why I feel so strongly about having audio systems installed in your helmet and that its not just for listening to music.

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