Why You Should Use 70% Front Brake and 30% Rear Brake When Coming To a Stop On a Bike.

Brembo motorcycle brake
Brembo motorcycle brake” by Hu Nhu is marked with CC0 1.0.

A lot of people are not familiar with the 70/30 rule. The rule states that you should use about 70% of the front brakes and 30% of your rear brakes to come to a complete stop.

I have been told by many people that you actually don’t want to use the front brake when coming to a stop because you don’t want to wear out your front disk brakes. This is an unsafe practice however because it is incredibly easy to lock up the rear tire using this practice as the rear brake will not stop you nearly as efficiently as the front brakes. After all, the suspension is not dipping into the road for extra traction like the front does.

Always remember to use your front brake when stopping but never in a turn as it could result in a highside. There are many rules on when you should use the rear or the front brake which is why I highly recommend going and taking a basic rider course to help you understand.

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